Factoring Services for Small & Medium-sized Businesses


An Account Manager’s Perspective – How to Make Factoring a Great Experience….

customerservice-300x300.jpgI am an Account Manager with Catamount Funding and have been working in that capacity for several years. I always try to put myself in the customer’s shoes and ask my self “What can I do to help my customer grow and succeed while keeping our company’s best interest in mind”?  Let’s face it, any business owner has lots of questions and concerns when transitioning to using accounts receivable factoring and purchase order financing for the first time. My job is to make it an easy, hassle free and rewarding experience. I have to provide great customer service while at the same time assuming a sense of ownership. I strive to always operate by the Golden Rule by treating others in a manner in which I would like to be treated in return. With that being said,   here are a few key things that I believe are critical to understanding the overall system and what makes it tick right:

Commitment – In order to provide great customer service, there must be Commitment from an organization’s leadership. Commitment must be visible through action. It’s easy to place posters and signs upon the wall, but that’s not the action of which I’m speaking. Leaders should show commitment by leading the charge to determine what great customer service should look like within the organization. Leaders should develop and adhere to core values for the organization. Leaders should commit to finding ways to determine what’s important to the organization’s customers and its own employees. Leaders should step into the customer’s shoes, understand their needs and look at things from their perspective in order to the organization to achieve a high level of customer service. The commitment level of leadership should be readily apparent to employees. Leaders should regularly communicate their commitment with the entire organization. Commitment requires action! Commitment is as long-term as the organization’s long-term existence is at stake.

Completeness – Following the leadership commitment to providing great customer service is the goal of representing Completeness. Once the commitment is in place, the need to ensure that everyone within the organization is on the same page is paramount to the system’s ability to succeed. Completeness means that everyone within every department understands their role in providing great customer service. Completeness means insuring that what matters to the customer is identified and everyone on the team adopts the same mindset to achieving common goals. Completely commit to providing great customer service!

Consistency – After leadership exercises commitment and the entire organization is completely on the same page regarding the provision of great customer service, the third measure to target is being consistent. This is crucial to the long-term success of the organization. The ability to consistently provide a great customer service experience is what builds brand loyalty. Loyal customers are revenue generators as they are both comfortable and excited to share their positive customer service experiences with others. Consistency means the customer receives the same level of service during each encounter with your organization. Consistency means that no matter which of your organization’s employees the customer encounters, a positive experience awaits. When calling your organization, it doesn’t matter which employee takes the call, the organization will strive to consistently provide a great customer service experience. When interacting with your company online, the customer is provided an easy and efficient experience. When issues arise, the organization will look to consistently resolve them in a timely manner. When an organization can consistently provide a great customer service experience, it won’t be long before the word-of-mouth effect takes over. New customers will appear as a result of the organization’s ability to be consistent.

Communication – How many times have you heard somebody say “Good Communication is the Key”? It’s the glue that holds everything together that enables an organization to be a great customer service provider. It means that the organization’s employees are kept abreast of how well the organization is performing in its quest to meet the needs of the customer. The leaders are always able to communicate how employee ideas for improvement are welcome. There has to be an “open door” policy which will always end up contributing to the success of the organization.  It means that customers are able to initiate communication with the organization regarding their personal experiences with the product or services. This requires the organization’s leaders to communicate customer needs and preferences to the rest of the organization to insure that all products and services are designed with the end-user in mind.

Our customers understand how important they are to us. We make sure they are able to see, hear and feel what they mean to us by establishing Commitment, followed by Completeness of purpose, exhibiting Consistency during all customer interactions and applying the glue called Communication!

As a well-established factoring company Catamount offers the best financing tools and cash flow solutions in the industry. We provide invoice factoring purchase order financing and are consistent in our approach of being committed to the purpose…..funding invoices and orders for immediate cash flow that not only keeps a customer’s business running but helps them grow and succeed. We are managers of the client’s accounts receivables.  We work hard to ensure that we communicate in a very professional manner that often times will nurture relationships with new and existing account debtors.

So at the end of the day, I am always being mindful of the Commitment to the business, the Completeness of the delivery, the Consistency with the experience while always maintaining excellent Communication so the system runs like a fine tuned machine.

Give Catamount Funding a call. You will be glad you did because we want to help! Let’s go...877-647-8577.

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Catamount has always been there for us and has been very instrumental in helping us succeed.

-Victor G., Equipment Paint & Blast

Without Catamount we would not be where we are today...period. They have been a tremendous help and are very supportive!

-Angelos P., Oilfield Trucking

When we needed help Catamount stood up to the plate for us. Their service is outstanding...great people to work with!

-Jimmy F., Welding & Fabrication