Factoring Services for Small & Medium-sized Businesses


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Business Partners

Business Partners……..Yes or No. If you ask most entrepreneurs if they want a business partner – most will say NO! But there are business partners each business needs and cannot do with out.
Business Partners……..Yes or No If you ask most entrepreneurs if they want a business partner – most will say NO!  But there are business partners each business needs and cannot… https://catamountfunding.com/blog/business-partners/

Technology, the Great Distractor and Great Reformer

Everyone can see today that it is a problem. But we also know that it has solved a lot of problems. It is a solution and a problem.
What is it that technology does to us? It has this strong pull. The screens lure us in and we are stuck. We stay attached there where we lose track of time until we… https://catamountfunding.com/blog/technology-great-distractor-and-great-reformer/

A Price to Pay for Procrastinating

What is Procrastination? In simple terms, procrastination is having something to do that, in spite of the fact that it is a priority, you do something else instead that is much less important. A typical example in the business world is waiting until the l…
Procrastinator!....I cannot stand it when someone uses that adjective to describe my behavior.  Most of you reading this blog post can identify with that, I am sure. I have heard… https://catamountfunding.com/blog/price-pay-procrastinating/

Budgeting for Next Year

Here we are… midway through the final quarter of 2015. It’s been one of those years that many will state was not as strong as the previous year. So, with that being said, it’s a good time to assess your company’s financial position and prepare a business …
Here we are… midway through the final quarter of 2015. It’s been one of those years that many will state was not as strong as the previous year. So, with that being said, it’s… https://catamountfunding.com/blog/budgeting-next-year/

5 Small Business Mistakes that can put you out of Business

It is no secret that a small business is the most fragile type of business there is. Funding is scarce, customers can be unforgiving and navigating the social landscape can be exhausting.
It is no secret that a small business is the most fragile type of business there is. Funding is scarce, customers can be unforgiving and navigating the social landscape can be… https://catamountfunding.com/blog/5-small-business-mistakes-can-put-you-out-business/

A Forest for the Trees

Eventually, we accept the truth and often start to fear the worst…that no matter where we turn all we see is trees and the trail has disappeared along with our sense of direction.
Has anyone said to you “You can’t see the forest for the trees”?  It’s a widely known saying that is accepted by many as truth whether they are talking about issues in the… https://catamountfunding.com/blog/forest-trees/

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Catamount has always been there for us and has been very instrumental in helping us succeed.

-Victor G., Equipment Paint & Blast

Without Catamount we would not be where we are today...period. They have been a tremendous help and are very supportive!

-Angelos P., Oilfield Trucking

When we needed help Catamount stood up to the plate for us. Their service is outstanding...great people to work with!

-Jimmy F., Welding & Fabrication